Meet the Founders
Primz Gallery was established in 2014 as a platform for Linda Neo and Albert Lim to showcase their private collection of more than 15 years.
When they shifted their focus to collecting artworks by Singapore artists in 2010, they launched a total of three private non sale exhibitions at their art space: Ink & Paper (2015); Jane Lee: Ebb & Flow, Rise & Fall (2017), and Reimagining Paper (2019).
In addition, they exhibited a collection of Lim Tze Peng’s kampong series called “My Kampong My Home” at the Singapore Management University (2010) and a joint exhibition entitled “Songs from the Heart” (2013).
Some of their collection have been loaned to the Singapore Art Museum, Art Science Museum in Singapore and The Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney. Art students from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Los Angeles and philanthropists from the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney were also given access and introduction to the Singapore art scene at their private art space.
Primz Gallery aims to be an exhibition space for art appreciation, knowledge, education and conversation for local and foreign visitors.